Outdoor ideas for school break in Sutton
A post by Cynthia
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Outdoor ideas for school break in Sutton
What better way to escape math, French and science than to get a shot of oxygen outdoors. In its welcoming and relaxing mountain setting, Sutton offers an awesome family school break week of outdoor activities. Take a deep breath and relax... you’re in Sutton!
Fun in the great outdoor
Day 1 : Initiation to alpine touring
A must, at least once, for every outdoors fan is alpine touring. Here in Sutton kids are introduced to this ‘in’ sport safely and easily. From Mont Sutton’s main chalet, a beginner can cover a loop of 0.5 km or more with only a slight slope on the Yum Yum trail return. For a mere $10.00 per person plus equipment rental, allow your kids the joy of the best powdery adventure nature can offer.
@MontSutton Rando-Ski
Local Tips :
Alpine touring equipment is available at Mont Sutton Rentals. Quantities are limited so reserve ahead. Fischer Transalp and Hannibal skis with Fischer/Ambition bindings (fit all ski boots); Black Diamond or BCA backslide-preventing ski skins
Full day – 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: $50.00 + taxes
Half day – Noon to 4:00 p.m.: $40.00 + taxes
*Rates include standard poles and helmets
Full day rental rate for standard boots and climbing skis: $15.00 + taxes; Half day p.m.: $10.00 + taxes
Please note that there are no climbing boots nor telescopic poles for rent. The use of specific equipment is not essential to give alpine touring a try.
Available equipment is limited so reserving in advance is advised by calling Mont Sutton Rentals at 1-866-538-2545, Ext. 225.
Day 2 : Shopping and discovering the village with the kids
The shops along rue Principale will pique the interest of adults and kids alike. A sure ‘like’ will be Vert Partout where an array of little gems such as colourful bags, board games, artists’ supplies and more. What’s not to love about it? Feel like a good book? Buying used books is a boost to the environment so head for the Friperie Sutton where there’s a great little book corner and where you might even find a little something you’ve been looking for in the way of clothing. While you’re here, take the Circuit Plein’Art walk through town and discover 6 art galleries and the outdoor art park. A chat with an artist or artisan would be a little bonus.

@Boutique Vert Partout
Day 3 : Winter hiking or snowshoeing
Winter hiking is a long-standing activity in Sutton. Whether on foot ( with crampons when needed and available for rent) or on snowshoes, the Parc d’environnement naturel de Sutton, the Plein Air Sutton and the Au Diable Vert trails are amongst the best and most beautiful in Quebec. For a change from the hustle and bustle of crowded areas, let you and your children renew with the peace and quiet of nature.

@Plein Air Sutton
Local tips :
Before going off on a winter hike, check the trail maps to determine the time your outing may take. Hiking through the forest in the winter takes longer than other times of the year. Pack snacks, hot and cold drinks, a change of clothing and feet and hand warmers!
Accomodation in the heart of nature
Bien sûr, Sutton propose une offre d’hébergements qui rendront votre séjour confortable et agréable. Mais cette année, pourquoi ne pas essayer l’hébergement en pleine nature ? Oui, même en hiver c’est possible à Sutton ! Au Diable Vert, station de montagne vous offre de magnifiques refuges dans les arbres, lieux totalement en harmonie avec la nature sauvage, une expérience que vos enfants de seront pas prêts d’oublier. Chez Huttopia, des chalets en bois peuvent aussi accueillir la famille et amis, ces lieux vous permettent de vivre l’ultime expérience dedans-dehors, bien connue de la communauté de Sutton. Pour profiter du ski et des hébergements en gite, auberge ou hôtel, pourquoi ne pas profiter du fameux forfait « Ski, dodo, ski » offert par le Mont Sutton qui se veut très avantageux pour tous ! Bonne nuit !

@Chalet Hotel Horizon - Huttopia & @Chalet dans les arbres - Au Diable Vert
Lots and lots of great food to be had here in Sutton
While parents savour a local beer at l’Abordage Microbrasserie, the kids will devour home-made chicken nuggets and mini poutine. Nothing better than the after-ski ‘Little Skier Menu’ from 5:30 on at the Bistro at the Horizon Hotel. Don’t miss out on the variety of Montreal-style bagels baked in a wood-fired oven at the newly-opened Round Top Bagel shop. While the kids warm up with hot chocolate made with chocolate from the Chocolaterie belge Muriel de Sutton
along with a scrumptious dessert at the renowned Auberge Sutton Brouerie, Mum and Dad can discover a variety of unique beer with the tasting platter. Gastromony at its best can be found in Sutton.
Activities at Mont Sutton
Mont Sutton glade skiing and its authentic vibe are famous so get out your skis and boards. Of the many activities, entertainment and promotions offered by the resort, graffiti on helmets is original and great fun. Visit: https://montsutton.com/en/activity/a-wide-range-of-activities-during-the-quebec-march-break/
Bien sûr, préparez vos skis ou planches, car le Mont Sutton est reconnu pour son ski de sous-bois magique et une ambiance authentique ! La station offre plusieurs activités, animations et promotions pour la relâche dont l’activité originale de graffitis sur casques! Visitez le https://montsutton.com/activite/une-foule-dactivites-durant-la-relache-du-quebec/ pour tout savoir!